So here we sit. We are at the end of the first month of the new year! Time sure does fly.
Many new things are on the horizon for us. Scott and I had many discussions and have both decided to complete our education and are pursuing our BA. Scott is only a few credits away and he is done. I, on the other hand, am just beginning. Well I guess that isn't entirely true. I am a few credits shy of my AA so those credits will be transferred to my BA pursuit.
Tonight I officially posted my first assignment to my college class. It makes me a little nervous. I know I can do it but my nerves come from being out of school for so long and that I will be finishing my classwork in between working, driving kids to various functions, breaking up fights, making dinner, doing laundry. Oh wait I forgot I am a mom and it comes with the territory.
Scott also had some amazing news tonight. He has been working on the laptop all day and decided to try to find any information he could on his biological father's family. For those of you who know Scott, you are all well aware that once he sets his mind to doing something there is no stopping him. He is like a pitbull. Once he grabs on he doesn't let go.
Anyways, he found out some wonderful information. He discovered that he has 4 aunts and 3 uncles from his father's side of the family. He also found the phone number of a cousin he didn't know he had. He spend over an hour talking to him and learning things about his family and father. He then got a number for one of his aunts. He then spent over 2 hours on the phone with her. It was a crazy emotional day for him. His family has grown for him in leaps and bounds. He is excited at the prospect of meeting his aunt within the next few months and possibly having a family reunion in the very near future.
He also discovered during this family history work that many of his ancestors temple work has already been completed. His biological grandparents have had all their work completed as well as being sealed to each other. It is an amazing thing. Just proves that there is a plan for us all.
He is at peace with the knowledge that even though he has no memories of his grandparents he will see them again and that they have been given the wonderful gift of their temple work.