Tuesday, November 16, 2010

T minus 3 days

For those who don't already know I have been working as a Detention Officer for the last 5 1/2 years.  I have to say it has been an "interesting" job.  I have met some great people and made some amazing friends along the way.  And yes, I have tons of stories about things I have seen and done (some stories require a strong stomach).  Everyday was something different.  I have served chow, searched cells and responded to multiple inmate disturbances.  I have escort inmates to court and assisted the Deputy Sheriffs with crowd control during mass protesters.

Many people were shocked when I entered the Detention Academy.  They said they pictured me as more of a teacher or nurse but never something in this line of work.  You know the old adage of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?  Well I have to say it is very true.  I was required to go out of my comfort zone and learn to be assertive.  This job molded me (or should I say remolded) me into who I am today.  

I learned that I have the ability to hold my shoulders high and I can do anything I set my mind to.  I am no longer the girl who quietly keep her opinions to herself.  I learned that I am a strong and independent individual.  

Well with all that this job has given me it is time for me to move on.  My family is relocating to Washington state to begin a fresh chapter in our book.  With much thoughtful prayer we have decided that this is the path on which we have been set on.  We have put our faith in Heavenly Father's plan for us.

So I officially gave my notice at work and have completed the paperwork.  I am off tomorrow on my regular day off and will then have only 2 days of work.  It will be strange not to be having to wake early to go to work!!!!


  1. Awesome pictures! Oh my gosh, you guys are moving???? :( :( :( Well, good luck! We will miss you!!!! I have something for you that I will drop off tomorrow to your house.

  2. I love your new blog! Can't wait for more posts.
