Saturday, December 11, 2010

DRAMA, Drama, drama

Oh I guess with the need to catch everyone up with our travels I completely forgot about our first week drama.

Let me set the stage. . . .

It was last Thursday and it was dark and foggy outside at 6:00 am.  I ran Alexis to the church for Seminary and was inching my way up our driveway to the house.  I finally approach the house where the other 3 children should be dressing and eating breakfast and all the other morning rituals for school.  I step into the house and slip of my shoes.  Suddenly I hear a scream.

"I'm bleeding!!!!" came out the bathroom.

Emerging from the bathroom with a bound was Beth holding the back of her head.  Apparently while Beth was getting ready for school, Christian entered the bathroom.  Then the fight was on.  The two began to shove and wrestle with each other.  Somehow they ended up falling into the shower and Beth smashed her head on the soap holder.

Upon examination of her head we discovered she had about a 2 inch gash on the back of her head.  I will spare you the gruesome details of what it looked like.  Let's just say that a band aide and a kiss wasn't going to cut it for this one.  A trip to the emergency room was in our very near future.

So off we go to the ER.  6 hours, 3 internal stitches and 7 staples later we emerge.  All I can say is thank goodness for insurance.

Beth spent that night sleeping on my floor where I was able to check her throughout the night (we can not confirm whether she ever lost consciousness.  Through out the night I set my alarm so I would wake up to check her.  At one point I must have reached down to feel for her and all I heard was "ouch".  I must have hit her on the head.  Oops!  She quickly caught on because every time the alarm went off I would hear her say, "I'm still here."

You can look at this experience in several ways.  I lean toward the fact that I have gained some new knowledge.  That's right I know where the hospital is.

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